Every person’s body Is different. We are committed to giving every one of our patients individualized manual therapy. Professional expertise and quality of service are not empty promises we make to our patients – they are values shared by all our associates and are put into practice in everything we do.

What can we do for you?

Our wide range of services is designed to give you maximum rehabilitation results so that you can get back to carrying out everyday activities or playing sports. Your Fit Im Tal team of highly qualified experts supports you at every stage of your therapy, and designs a program using techniques specifically targeted to meet your individual needs. Each of our physical therapists enjoys a solid foundation in education and training and takes part in continuing education programs. Many have certifications in innovative therapies for professional and competitive athletes. We demand the absolute best from ourselves so that we can give our absolute best to you.

  • Manual therapy

    This type of therapy involves the use of special hands-on techniques to help restore flexibility, increase mobility, reduce pain and recover the coordination of individual or connected joints. Your therapist will work toward activating and improving the overall coordination of your body’s joints, muscles and nerves.

  • Physiotherapy

    When you come to us for physical therapy, we give you guided instruction in performing exercises to support the healing process due to posture  disorders, following injuries or medical procedures, and to prevent future musculoskeletal problems.

  • Lymphatic drainage massage

    Used to stimulate movement in lymphatic vessels and lymphatic channels, this type of massage is an effective technique reduce swelling and free up blockages in the nodular regions following operations or due to illness (e.g., lymphedema, fibromyalgia).  It is predominately applied as part of the complex decongestive therapy.

  • Massage

    This classic form of therapy involves the mechanical manipulation of skin, muscles, connective tissues and fasciae. Your therapist applies stretching movements and pressure to reduce pain and discomfort in the areas massaged, resulting also in improvements in the body’s metabolism

  • Hot/Cold therapy

    Hot air, fango compresses, hot towels, cold packs, ice massage rollers, or GameReady compression products are among the products available to our patients, according to their individual diagnosis, physician prescription and rehabilitation needs.

  • Kinesiology tape

    These brightly colored tapes provide gentle support and relief for sore muscles.

  • Athletic tape

    Using this type of sports tape helps soothe and stabilize joints.

  • Myofascial release treatment

    Fasciae are fibrous membranes that cover and separate muscle tissues. The goal of myofascial release treatment is to bring the chain of muscles back into balance. This can be achieved by using special fascia tools like foam rollers. These special techniques can be carried out either by the physical therapist or by the patients themselves.

  • Jaw joint disorder (craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) treatment

    Structural disorders of the jaw joint and muscles can negatively impact your health and quality of life. Based on your physician’s order and subsequent testing, your therapist identifies the causes for CMD, and applies appropriate techniques to bring the joint and muscles into alignment.  

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